When you’re in charge of your own financial future, it’s important that you are honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. We all have areas where we excel and where we could improve. Communication is key in the real estate investment business, as we have talked about in a previous blog post. If you are a good communicator, that is definitely a step up in this industry. If communication isn’t your strong suit — don’t lose hope! There are always ways to get better, and the fact that you can acknowledge that there is room for improvement is a great first step. The Wolff Couple’s real estate scripts are made to help people like you make life-changing sales without the stress of trying to figure out what to say. Visit the Wolff Shop to get the scripts for yourself, check out this week’s featured Wolff Bite for advice from Brian, and read on to learn how to become a better communicator.

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Forge Ahead

If you aren’t very confident in your communication skills, that doesn’t mean you have to sit on the sidelines while other investors make huge sales. You can find workarounds, like partnering with someone who loves to talk, so you can still participate without being put on the spot. You can also take steps to address what really makes you nervous about talking to homeowners. Even experts like the Wolff Couple get nervous sometimes, and it’s often because they are in a situation where they are not sure what to say. You can solve that problem with the “What to Say & What to Do” system from the Wolff Couple and real estate guru Ron LeGrand. Anyone can follow a script, and our scripts are designed to help you close the deal and make a profit.


The key to getting better at anything is to practice! You can use our real estate scripts to make sure you always say the right thing, but our “What to Say” system was also designed to help you build up your own communication skills. Watch the high-quality investment training DVDs, read the scripts, and practice role playing with the characters. It may feel silly, but remember, you are training yourself to make lots of money. Take the training seriously and get ready to tackle that next real estate deal with confidence!

Remember Your Goal

If you know the Wolff Couple, you know one of our favorite phrases is, “always be closing!” Keep your goal in mind when you’re on your next closing call and use it as your guide. If you’re not sure what to say next or you feel like you’re fumbling, ask yourself, “What do I need to say to close this deal?” The Wolff Couple’s scripts are the perfect assistant to help you stay in the game and change tactics if the deal starts to go sideways. If you are still intimidated, remember that the person on the other end of the line wants to sell their home! They want to make a profitable deal just as much as you do.

Sign Up for a Real Estate Seminar

Whatever is holding you back from becoming a successful real estate investor, the Wolff Couple is here to help! Find a real estate workshop near you and attend to get advice from the “mentors to the mentors” themselves. We have taught alongside Ron LeGrand for 15 years and we have students-turned-successful-real-estate-investors across the country. Check out our testimonials and read the evidence for yourself — our advice works! With the right scripts and training, you can start closing deals and making thousands of dollars. We can’t wait to help you achieve your dreams. Sign up today!

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